Food for Hair
Before I start telling you about foods that help you build healthy hair, I want to tell you that food is not magic. It's not even medicine, so do not expect miracles with the food items listed below. They will help you get good hair if you take them adequately over a long period. As a general rule, all the food articles that are good for your body are good for your hair. That means a balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Also remember to follow a healthy lifestyle. Always remember, exercise is good for your hair also. Protein Well, 99.9% of hair is protein. If you have low protein intake your hair will be thin, dull and unevenly pigmented. These kind of changes in hair (called " band sign") actually form a part of diagnosis in chronic protein deficiency. Eat Sufficient amount of good protein everyday from both plant and animal sources. What to Eat: Pulses and legumes especially soybean is good for hair. Also, white meat li...